Monday, August 23, 2010

Author's Preface

I really enjoyed the fact how the author, Napoleon Hill, prepares the reader how to read his book Think and Grow Rich.  I find that he creates an environment for the reader to receive the secrets of how to think and grow rich and actually think and grow rich. Mr. Hill shares the origin of the book. The book was inspired by Andrew Carnegie the most famous leader of industry of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. I find it wonderful that Mr. Carnegie desired to share his philosophies of business and wanted to make it part of the U.S. Education Curriculum. I am very grateful that Mr. Carnegie asked the author to write the book after Mr. Carnegie shared his philosophies with the author and the author actually grasped Mr. Carnegie's ideas. The book took 25 years to complete due to research.  I am glad, because what I will be reading will be fact, not fiction. The author name drops some of the people who actually used Mr. Carnegie's principles and it is impressive.  So, I want to move forward with the book and get into the mind-set of Mr. Carnegie.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Publisher's Foreword

The reason why I am reading Think and Grow Rich is that it was mentioned in a Real Estate Seminar I recently attended in Long Beach, California. Another reason is that I am tired of being BROKE!!!! I went to Barnes & Nobel's website to read reviews of the book and all I read was good things. So, I purchased the book (8/19/10) and began reading it. Reading the publisher's forward, I found it interesting how the publisher, Melvin Powers, read and utilized the book at the age of 16 and still using it today running successful businesses. Powers mentions that Think and Grow Rich is the reason for his success.  That claim alone makes me want to read the book, or at least read a couple of pages.  Oh, I am not a big reader, but if a book interests me, I will take time to read it or like I mentioned before read a couple of pages.  I am tickled that the book was originally written in 1937, a year after my Mother was born. I mentioned that fact to her and told her that must had been a good decade to write a tried and true classic. She agreed and laughed. So, the publisher's foreword makes me want to move forward with this book.